The electric tug for industry
Trike, the electric tug for industry
M-Products provides electric container tugs for moving various types of transport carts and containers. The electric tug relieves heavy physical work. Our Trike series consists of different electric tractors that are completely designed, developed and manufactured in-house. The traction force of the different electric tugs varies between 500 and 3500 kg. Whether you want to transport many or few containers or weight, there is an electric vehicle in your desired strength. It is almost always possible to make your already existing container cart(s) suitable to use in combination with our Trikes. Due to its compact design, the trike series is highly maneuverable, allowing you to drive effortlessly between anything. Our electric tugs are also suitable for personal transport.
Because of the 3 pneumatic tires, the trikes are ideal for driving over soft surfaces. In short, M-Products' Trike series is multifunctional!
Also check out our HT-1500, the platform truck for industry.